Posts tagged ‘Patricia Palmer’

July 26, 2012

Patricia Arts

We are pleased to introduce you to the paintings of Patrica Palmer…

My art training in the 70’s in Leeds (Teacher Training College, Headingley), was graphic based: the following years of teaching developed my abilities in a variety of art and craft skills. After 22 years in the classroom I decided to return to study.  I started the first full time course in 2000 at Cambridge Regional College and continued there for the next 5 years: Foundation, HND, Diploma and finally BA Hons, I graduated from A.P.U. Cambridge in 2005 achieving a high class degree in Fine Art, specializing in painting.

After years of being trapped in a reality that didn’t meet my needs, through art I have regained control over my life. My artworks have become a representation of my life with the concepts of freedom, control and escapism regularly appearing in the form of grids, windows, doorways and spaces.

My Themes

Themes for work come into my head when they are ripe and ready to explore: the starting points are from references found in the landscape. I spend a lot of time In Aldeburgh, Suffolk. I love the ever changing skies, and sea. I enjoy warmer climates too, so holidays are spent in regions where the sun shines.  Sunsets are usually dramatic and I love sundried buildings and ancient churches with their beautiful stained glass. I love going on trips to more mountainous regions where round each corner there are breath taking views: lakes like mirrors, deep valleys, glowing deserts and tall trees. It is these experiences which give me inspiration.

My Process

At first, I explore the ideas through drawing, painting and collage, on paper (postcard size) using all mediums.

I work from memory in order to sift away the unessential revealing only the typical, although, I do refer to photographs if I need to check a specific detail/ colour/ shape/ position in space etc.

I try out different formats, scale and size on paper to see which is appropriate for my theme before going on to canvas. Colours are softened or intensified, perspective flattened and features simplified. These methods help me to create an impression of the landscape, which is both believable and imaginary. My work, though abstract in appearance is for me representational and my paintings are how I see the world and how the world makes me feel.

I hope that the viewer will respond freely to my work and make connections with her or his own experiences.

Patricia’s Pop-up Gallery URL is